Code-Mixing in Annapurna F.M. A Case of Pokhara Calling

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Department of English Education
The general objectives of the study is to find out English Code-Mixing in the Nepali Language of the Program "Pokhara Calling" in Annapurna F.M. The sources of data consists of two anchors and thirty episodes of Pokhara Calling program. The tools for data collection are audio CD., Cassette and recorded program provided by Annapurna F.M. After collecting the data the researcher played the audio CD. and listened to the episodes. He listened to all the episodes two times very attentively. Then in the third attempt he transcribed the episodes. Again he listened to the episodes and made sure whether the transcriptions were correct or not. From the analysis of the data he found that code-mixing is the regular phenomenon which has affected mostly teenagers. The researcher found that mixing of word-unit appeared at the highest position. In word level major word classes were found in the highest position than minor words. The phrases were found very common after words. The noun phrases were found most common than other phrases. The clauses and sentences were also mixed in Nepali expressions. But the incomplete and imperative sentences were mixed in greater numbers. Similarly, expressions related to socializing purpose, speakers tend to mix English codes. There is a great difference in male and female expressions. Male used 79.92% and female used 20.07% out of the total mixed English expressions. This thesis consists of four Chapters. Chapter one deals with a short introduction of the English language in general, code-switching and code-mixing, review of related literature, objectives, significance, definitions of terms, fundamentals of language structure, language functions and abbreviations. Chapter two deals with methodology. It encompasses source of data, population of the study, sample population and sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study. Chapter three includes analysis and interpretations of the data. Chapter four consists of findings derived from the analysis and interpretation of the data and some recommendation for the related fields.