Prenatal Care in Laukahi VDC Sunsari District

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Faculty of Health Education
This thesis entitles’’ prenatal care in laukahi V.D.C Sunsari, District.’’ The main objective of this research work is to identify the prenatal care their consciousness level one prenatal care and its barriers of health seeking behavior one their health condition. The researcher has used the Laukahi V.D.C as the sample population and has chosen the 30 pregnant cases of laukahi V.D.C using purposive sampling. Similarly the researcher has collected data from interview and analyzed descriptively, At last findings the conclusion has been drawn and the researcher has recommended and suggested the introduction of the title and its theoretical ground.second part reviews the related literature of the relevant work. Third part deals with methodology of the study. Fourth part deals with analysis and interpretation of date. Fifth partdeals with summary, findings conclusion and recommendation. This study is related to the prevalence of women in Laukahi VDC. Among the respondents 100% of women pregnancy cases were found married. 56.66% of female pregnancy cases are literate and 10% was SLC passed though 33.33% of women pregnancy cases were illiterate.Being dependent on husbands and in-laws, women feared refusal by husbands. Other family member and society by contrast; economic burden is the main concern of women throughout the health care seeking process and treatment period. There are only 33.33% respondent had enough income by their own to maintain the food for more than six month in a year apart from that they had to manage their hand to mouth problem by doing daily way labour workaround. Majority of women pregnancy cases 73.33% were from Janjati groups of people. The second most majority of women pregnancy cases 20% were from the Dalit and third most major group of cases 7% were from other castes like Marik, etc.Similarly Dalit covers 7% of total attendance of the patients. The minor representation was from the Musahar group of the people who attended only 20% of the total cases.The majority of the women pregnancy cases registered for treatment are under the age group of 18– 24. Among all the respondents majority 66.66% of the women pregnancy cases replied the causes to pregnancy is due to germs but there are 33.33% of respondent who did not know the actual cause of disease.Among the total respondent 66.66% of the pregnancy suspects seek the treatment at the health institutions where the pregnancy diagnosis and pregnancy services available at free of costs.Majority of pregnancy suspects were helped by their family’s members, FCHV, for the treatment.