Quest for Liberation: An Existentialist study of Paulo Coelho's Veronika Decides to Die

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Department of English
This study attempts to explores the how Veronika quest her existence in her life in Paulo Coelho’s novel Veronika Decides to Die. Veronika a young girl of twenty four found herself as absurd because she could not solve the problems which she has faced. Veronika works as a librarian by day and by night carries on like many single women dating men, occasionally sleeping with them, and returning to a single room she rents at a convent. It is a life, but not a very compelling one. So one day, Veronika decides to end it. She decided to die because of the influences of existential philosophy. She reads the problems of her life and country and analyzes the ongoing event from the perspective of existentialism and searches the meaning of existing uncertainty and fear. Living in uncertainty and fear without doing anything is meaningless and she thinks the way to come out from the situation and being an absurd because there is no way to come out of the problem except death.