English Teachers’ Perception Towards Teacher Training: Teachers' with M.A. and M.Ed Degree

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled English Teachers’ Perception Towards Teacher Training: Teachers with M.A. and M.Ed. Degree is an attempt to find out English teachers’ perception towards teacher training who are teaching at higher secondary school in Kathmandu district and suggest some pedagogical implications.In theresearchwork,questionnaire is used as research tool in order to collect data. Forty English teachers teaching at higher secondary level in Kathmandu district were involved as informants in this study. I used purposive non-random sampling procedure to select English teachers and schools. The participants were requested to help me by responding to the questionnaire. The raw data obtained from them were analyzed and interpreted descriptively as well as using simple statistical tools. After analysis and interpretation of the data it was found that English teachers with M.A.and M.Ed. degree both have positive perception towards teacher training as it plays crucial role in teaching learning process .But they have suggested to improve practical aspect of English teacher training. The present study consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with general background, statement of the problem, rationale of the study, objectives, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations and operational definition of the key terms. Chapter two deals with the review of the related literature, conceptual framework and implication of the review for study. Similarly, chapter three includes the design of the study, population and sample, sampling procedure, data collection tools, data collection procedure and data analysis and interpretation procedure.Chapter four consists of result and discussion. Finally, chapter five deals with conclusion and implications.