Discourse of Rwandan Genocide in Murambi and Hotel Rwanda

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Faculty of English
This dissertation is a comparative study on genocide discourse of Rwanda genocide in two texts Boubacar Boris Dipo’s Murambi, The Book of Bones(novel) and Terry George’s Hotel Rwanda(film). These two texts remember the cataclysmic event of genocide through heart-rendering images of the brutal mass murder. The representation is laced with an affect of the condemnations of the genocidal violence. Theoretical modality of genocide narrative has been applied to study the both novel and film. The novelist Diop has exploited the polyvocal narratives to depict the pangs and pain of the then situation in Rwanda. The analysis reveals the fact that the causes of genocide are the byproduct of race nationalism, ethnicity, tribe, religions and their manipulation. This research, in fact, makes significant contribution in analyzing the roots of genocide of the past as well as possible reasons might cause genocide in future. The main protagonist of Murambi loose the mother and siblings because of ethnic differences in the family that he knew when he came back from Djibouti. Unlike Cornelius, the protagonist of Hotel Rwanda,Paul Rusesabagina faces and struggles to protect his family and other people. The only cause behind this massive devastation predominantly of Tutsi people is the cause of different ethnicity in Rwanda. The strain of reproduction is however, a far cry in Hotel Rwandaeven thought it too ends on happy note.