Riverfront Development

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I.O.E. Pulchowk Campus
Rivers are very close to human life. Human civilizations have originated and flourished from the banks of rivers. Many famous cities all over the world are generally located at the junctions of rivers and the sea. Riverfront development can be an opportunity for developing the city. Developed cities without proper waterfront cannot be imagined. Proper waterfront development adds beauty to the urban city and connects humans with water. But due to overpopulation and unmanaged urbanization, rivers today have become highly polluted. They have become places for dumping. Waterfronts are highly neglected, and they have lost connection with the cities and humans. Riverfront development in the present context Is a very common term to us. The urban community receives various characteristics from the development of waterfronts. Waterfront development is totally a public asset. Riverfront development not only increases the beauty of the river but also its surroundings and increases the aesthetics of the city. It also helps to attract activities in the riverside areas and helps to grow the economy of the place. This research has studied the urban waterfront along the Tinau River, Butwal discussing the connection between the river, people, and the city for its improvement and sustainable development.
Rivers are very close to human life. Human civilizations have originated and flourished from the banks of rivers. Many famous cities all over the world are generally located at the junctions of rivers and the sea. Riverfront development can be an opportunity for developing the city.