Transfer of Teachertraining Skills in Theclassroom: A Case Ofbhojpur District

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Faculty of Education
This research study entitled “Transfer ofTeacher Training Skills in theClassroom’’ was carried out to identify the existing situation of transferringtraining skill and knowledge by trained teachers in the classroom and tomeasure how the trained teachers deliveredtheir training skills and knowledgein the classroom practices. Observational checklist was used as the tool forcollecting the data .Ten secondary level English teachers of Bhojpur districtwere selected non-randomly and twenty English classes(two classesof eachteachers)were observed for the study.The collected data were analyzed anddiscussionwas donestatistically and descriptively .This research workconcludes that although the government has claimed that alltheteachers havebeen trained,there has not beenmarkedimprovement in quality education.This means the teachers have not been using knowledge and skills of training.Training package should beredesigned and implemented being based on thepracticalandtheoreticalground.The teachers should not get chance to thinkthat it is only a means of promotion and there must not be gap between thetraining program and real life situations. This thesis consists of five chapters, introduction, review of literature andconceptual framework, methods and procedure of the study, results anddiscussion and summary,conclusions and implications. Chapter one presentsthe background\context, statement of the problem, Rationale of the study,objective of the study, research questions, significance of the study,delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. Chaptertwo deals with the review of the related literature, implication of the reviewforthe study and theoretical/conceptual framework.Similarly,chapter threeincludes the design of the study,population and sample sampling procedureanddata collection tools,data collection procedure and data analysis andinterpretation procedure.In the same way chapter four presents the result,discussion and interpretation part of the research. Moreover,the last chapterinvolves the summary, conclusion, and implication at various levels i.e. policy xi level, practice level and further research. This chapterisalso followed byreferences and appendices.