Rizal's Torture Killing Me Softly: A Story of Trauma and Recovery

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Department of English
The present project entitled “Rizal’s Torture Killing Me Softly: A Story of Trauma and Recovery” dramatizes traumatized, dehumanized and problematized life of the Lhotsampas people in particular and all the Bhutanese people in general due to cultural clash and conflict caused as a result of ill governance and discriminatory laws. The root causes of trauma in the life of people include some of the policies of the government that protect and promote the Ngalongspeople and their Drukpa culture discarding and excluding others by implementing no objection certificate (NOC) for getting jobs and buying and selling property, no voting right for the Lhotsampas, Marriage Act, Land Act, Citizenship Act and use of mind control technology through electromagnetic radiation (EMR).Discrimination and ill-behaviour to the Lhotsampas people haunts them throughout their life and throughout the world wherever they go as the third country settlement of refugees thereby discarding their originality and identity, and leaving them no option to work through their trauma except to share with their friends, relatives and family members about the ongoing problems. In this sense, Torture Killing Me Softly is a saga of trauma and its recovery of Bhutanese people resulted due to failure of the government to respect democratic norms and values, and due dearth of far-sighted vision.