Teachers’ Perceptionson Implementing The maxim of Involvement in Language Classes

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Faculty of Education
This is the researchstudy entitled "Teachers' Perceptions on Implementing theMaxim of Involvement in Language classes". Theprimary goal of this researchwas to explore the teachers' perceptions towardsimplementingthe maxim ofinvolvementin the language classroom.Moreover, this study was an attempt tofind out the teachers' classroom behavior or culture of teaching which is thereflection of their belief system and maxim.Tofulfill the objectives, I selected40 secondary level English teachers of the Kathmandu valleyusing purposivenon-randomsampling procedure. Required data were collected by usingclosed-ended and open-ended questions. The findings of this study revealedthatthe teachers hadpositive belief to implement the maxim of involvementand mostly, theyconductedtheir classroom depending on this maxim. The study consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the backgroundof the study, statement of the problems, rationale of the study, objectives of thestudy, research questions, Significanceof the study and operational definitionsof the key terms. Similarly, the second chapter comprises theoretical andempirical review of literature, implications of the review for the study, andconceptual framework. Similarly, the third chapter deals withthe methods andprocedures of the study which includes the design of the study, population andsample, sampling procedure, data collection tools and data collectionprocedures. The forth chapter consists of the results and discussion of thecollected data.Similarly, fifth chapter deals with summary, conclusions andsome pedagogical implications based on the analysis and interpretation of thedata. Finally, this chapter is followed by references and appendices.