Exploration of Blasé Attitude in Selected Stories of James Joyce's Dubliners

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This research analyzes Blase Attitude in Joyce's five stories “ Eveline”, “Counterparts”, A Little Cloud”, The Dead” and “Araby” related with travelling of a modern person and Dublin is a city where money is the common denominator of all relations and transformations. In all the stories, it can be found how all the characters have blasé attitude. Blasé attitude is a desire for money and the marker of modernity. Joyce portrays the blasé attitude and loss of halo found in city people. At the end there is a kind of sudden realization in them. And through the chosen five stories the author is showing the human relations are affected by modernity or money. Therefore city dwellers employ "blasé attitude" as a marker of modernity to function in life. The research follows the concept of the mainstream modernity to analyze Joyce’s stories. Mainstreams is a new trend or reborn when someone adopt new things and leave old things. A mainstream person is someone who jumps from trend to trend so that they fit in with the rest of the crowd.
Stories, Eveline, The Dead