Techniques Used in Translating Religious Text: A Case of Everest Gita

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Department of English Education
The study entitled“TechniquesUsed inTranslating Religious Text: A Case ofEverest Gita”explores the extent to which the techniques and their frequencyemployed in translating religious text confirm equivalence for the religioustermsbetween Nepali and English language.Itprimarilyaims tofindout thetechniquesandfrequency of techniquesemployed in translation of religioustext.Undersurvey design, interpretative and analytical proceduresalong withqualitative data were used. Fiftyreligious terms were selectedrandomlyfromthe book‘EverestGita’and analyzed grouping those terms under varioustechniquesaccording to the meaning conveyed by them.It was found thatinaddition toLiteralTranslation, Sense Translation, Substitution, andFunctionalEquivalence were thecommonlyemployed techniques of translation whereasCouplet,Blending and Reduction were used least frequently.Definition,Elaboration, Borrowing,Transliterationand Deletionwere found to be used inmediumrate. The whole thesis has been divided into five chapters. First chapter entitled‘Introduction’includes background of the study, statement of the problem,objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, anddelimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Secondchapter entitled ‘Review of the Related Literature and Conceptual Framework’illustrates the major study area of translation like: language, culture, religion,translation studies, their interrelationship, techniques,gaps includingintroduction of the book analyzed for the study and the reference materialsusedfor the study. Third chapterentitled ‘Methods and Procedures for the Study’includes major elements of the study like: design, population, sample andsamplingprocedures, sources of data for the study, data analysis andinterpretation techniques and ethical consideration. Fourth chapterentitled‘Data Analysis and Interpretation’is the gist of the study as it analyzes the dataandinterprets the results.Fifthchapter entitled ‘Findings, ConclusionandRecommendation’summarizes the findings with main conclusion and providessomesuggestions as per the findings derived.