People Participation for Bamdibhir Community Forest Management in Chapakot, Kaski

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Faculty of Sociology
People participation has remained one of the major issues in the development discourses even today. The decades of development efforts in the third world countries in general and Nepal in particular have proved that until and unless the real beneficiaries of the development involve both in planning and decision making and implementation and post implementation phases, the sustainability of such development can not be expected. Changes in the development paradigms since World War II to till now have evident that the planners, policy makers and the development professionals have realized the importance and the role of the local community to make the development meaningful. This study was carried out in Bamdibhir Community Forest located in Ward no. 3, 5 and 6 of Chapakot VDC, Kaski with three major objectives: (1) to critically examine people participation for Bamdibhir CF management; (2) to critically analyze the role of Bamdibhir CF in resource management and livelihoods improvement of local people; and (3) to analyze the socio-economic and environmental benefits to local people through Bamdibhir CF. The study was carried out applying four major methodologies, namely (1) interview with committee members and the users; (2) focus group discussion (with committee members); (3) observation of the forests; and (4) case study. Eleven committee members were selected purposively and five UG members were selected randomly to gather information aimed at achieving research objectives. The study revealed that the local people are the one who can and should take charge of their development on their own to make it sustainable. Participation of local communities in various stages of development such as, problem identification and planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, benefit sharing and care and maintenance ensured both the conservation of Bamdibhir forests and effectiveness of the development program. Poverty is widespread among the local communities. Poverty is the consequence of various factors. Easy access to forest resources helps local communities to shape their livelihoods. Farming and livestock raising are the major livelihoods of the majority of rural people. The study revealed that restoration of Bamdibhir forest has improved not only the forest condition but it significantly helped to uplift the living conditions of the village people by allowing alternative livelihood options. The case study also reveals the same. People participation is not only the means to implement a particular activity but it has various dimensions which can help ease the lives and livelihoods of the communities. When people gather together for common purposes, it strengthens the cohesiveness among local people which, ultimately, helps to those who are living in abject poverty and vulnerability. The participation of CFUG in Bamdibhir Community Forest management has improved natural, social, financial, human and physical capitals, which are the major livelihood assets of the community. More importantly, opportunity to participate in local development processes has ensured the access of marginalized sections of the community in decision making and apparently empowered them for their better lives.