Causes of Low Participation of Dalit Girls in Mathematics

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Department of Mathematics Education
The present study focuses on the “Causes of Low Participation of Dalit Girls in Learning Mathematics.” The study attempts to identify the present situation of the participation of Dalit girl students and find out the causes of low participation of Dalit girl students in learning mathematics at secondary level. The case study was necessarily of qualitative and descriptive in nature. The study was conducted with the sample size off our Dalit girl students of grade X selected from Shree Purna Higher Secondary School, Vimdatt Municipality-12, Kanchanpur. This study used three types of tools such as interview schedule, observation and document analysis to collect the data. The collected information was analyzed by thematic categorization and interpreted according to the cultural difference. This study shows that engagement of household work, poor economic condition, illiterate parents, over aged /early marriage, socio cultural norms and values, family occupation etc. are the causes of low participation of Dalit girl students in learning mathematics.