Current Status of Library Networking and Resource Sharing within T.U. Library Systems of Kathmandu Valley

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Department of Library and Information Science
The thesis entitled "CURRENT STATUS OF LIBRARY NETWORKING AND RESOURCE SHARING WITHIN T. U. LIBRARY SYSTEMS OF KATHMANDU VALLEY" in general based upon the current situation of networking and resource sharing among the libraries of Kathmandu Valley. Today, it is virtually not possible for any library, however big and rich to acquire all the information or publications. As well as libraries are collecting, processing and organizing the same documents making huge investment of money, manpower, materials and time. Networking and resource sharing is the best and effective measure to solve many of these problems and which allows effective use of the available information and knowledge sources between and among the entire libraries' network for the users community. It is not known that how many libraries are participating in resource sharing activities in Kathmandu Valley by using computer networks. CDS/ISIS library software is used by most of the libraries in Nepal. However these libraries have not maintained Common Communication Format (CCF). The objectives of this study are (1) To study the existing coordination activities of T. U. library resources, facilities and services, (2) To find out the status and availability of professional manpower, work procedures, and resources, (3) To suggest a plan and policy for resource sharing and networking among these campus libraries. The studies are limited to seven libraries of Kathmandu Valley. In the context of Nepal, there have been a few studies on the topic resource sharing and networking through computer networks. So, some of the related international literature have studied. The study has focused on the digital resource sharing especially bibliographic database and e-resources which is easy to share among the libraries. Most of the libraries of Kathmandu valley are using ISIS library software. The population of the study is a number of those libraries which uses ISIS library software for creating database. Seven libraries have been selected as a sample for the data collection. The researcher has used a set of questionnaire including 22 questions, informal interview, and observation as a basic instruments of data collection. Different types of responses are found on the way of data collection. All of the responses are analyzed and presented diagrammatically in the form of table and then tabulated data are presented diagrammatically in the form of bar-diagram and pie-chart. All questions are analyzed and presented sequentially and certain findings drawn out. According to the objectives, the major findings of this study are shown as. All libraries are interested to provide resource sharing services but among the libraries have no any co-operation or agreement for resource sharing. 50% of libraries are providing resource sharing facility through their website. But this is not formal way of resource sharing on the principle of co-operation among the libraries. Because there is no any library network in Kathmandu valley to co-ordinate between and among the libraries. All libraries under the study have maintained bibliographic databases of their collections in computer and all of the libraries under the scope have known about CCF for creating databases. All libraries are interested to provide online resources but they haven't produced their own e-resources. They are providing access to some of the international eresources like JSTOR, Project Muse, AGORA, HINARI, AsiaJOL, NepJOL etc. which are freely available along with TUCL is also providing Nepali Journals online (NepJOL). To provide effective resource sharing service to the users, firstly there is urgent need to develop a policy on library network to connect the libraries on the basis of co-operation or agreement. All libraries should be focus online resources like e-books, e-journals etc. and also focus on e-databases of all the library materials. Every library should go ahead on the principle of cooperation to fulfill their users' demand in this information explosion age.
Telecommunications, Library systems