Teachers' Perceptions on Need of Action research for Their Professional Development

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Department of English Education
The present thesis entitled' Teachers' Perception on Need of Action Research for their Professional Development'aimed to find out the views of teachers on importance of action research for their professional development.Keeping the objectives inconsideration, forty English language teachers teaching at lower secondary and secondary schools of Dailekh district were sampled through non random purposive sampling procedure. A set of questionnaire was used as the tool of data collection. After the analysis and interpretation of the raw data,it was found that the majority of the teachers who were teaching English did not have enough knowledge about action research in the first year of the teaching career but majority of them practiced action research in their English language teaching classroom later in their career. Similarly, most of the teachers were found practicing action research in teaching learning of aspects of grammar. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter includes background information of the research,statement of the problem, objectives of the study,research questions, significant of the study, operational definition of the key terms. Similarly, the second chapter is related to the review of theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, implications of the review and conceptual framework. Likewise, third chapter deals with methods and procedures of the study under which design of the study, population and sample, sampling procedures, data collection tools, data collection procedures,analysis and interpretation procedure are mentioned. In the same way, the forth chapter consists of results and discussion of the study. Finally the fifth chapter includes the summary, conclusion and implications of the study. Implications of the study in policy level, practice level and further research level are suggested.