Resistance of Female Characters in Grimm Brothers’ Selected Fairy Tales

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Department of English
This research paper examines thecondition offemale charactersin“Snow White”,“Cinderella”,“Little Red Riding Hood”and“Sleepy Beauty”from thefeministperspective.In these fairy tales,we can find horrifying images whereweak and poor characters are suppressedinasociety either a person images or forces a state of society where therearegreat suffering and injustice. Theconditionsof female charactersaredreadfulin“SnowWhite”,“Cinderella”,“Little Red Riding Hood”and “Sleepy Beauty”. In“Cinderella”, the stepmothertellsCinderellato cut off her toe. Thegirl cuts off her toe, swallowsthe pain,and goesout the prince. In “Snow White”, the stepmother gives apoisonous apple toSnow Whiteand sheswallows it accidentally.In “LittleRed Riding Hood”,thewolf desires to eat Little Red Riding Hood.“Sleeping Beauty”, a teenagerdrugged by the jealous witch is locked in a tower where a prince effectively comes into her bedroom and decides the best thing t doin this situation is kiss her.Thisresearch work deals withthepsychological dehumanizing of childrenparticularly female charactersconcerningsexual abuses.