An Analysis Of Post Disaster Response Through Gender Perspective (A Case Study of Earthquake Affected Area Of Sindhupalchowk District)

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Department of Sociology
The literature on gender and disasters powerfully documents the importance of including gender considerations in disaster prevention, emergency response, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. As a consequence of the social context of gender relationships, men and women have different roles, responsibilities, capacities, resources, and experiences in virtually all societies. The Impact of earthquake in different aspect of society has been portrayed with many dimension, however there is lack of study on the gender face of disaster and post disaster situation. Therefore, this study has been carried out to explore the gender face of earthquake in light with standpoint and Marxist theory. A research framework has been developed, field study was done and research around was carried out to explore; how women were affected and what was the vulnerability they faced being a subordinated person in the society. It was found that women were more vulnerable than man with the disaster. The majority of recovery efforts to date still reflect traditional gender stereotypes that largely prioritize the needs and contributions of men. Male biased perspectives dominate policies and intervention processes, often excluding women from equitable compensation and assistance and subsequently placing them at even greater risk of future harm of hazards and disasters. Damage, needs, and vulnerability assessments too often fail to capture the different impacts of disasters and disaster response on men and women. Additionally, the immense contributions women make to recovery too often go unrecognized, while the marginalization of their skills and knowledge limits their opportunities to play a greater role in building back better. The study suggests developing a gender sensitive disaster risk management framework to cope with the post disaster situation keeping in mind the women's socio-cultural position in the society. This needs to reform the policies, practices and social strata of women so that they would not much vulnerable and burdened during natural disaster and post management period.