Teacher Support Group for Professional development: Teachers’ Perceptions

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faculty of Education
This study entitled 'Teacher Support Group forProfessional Development:Teachers'Perception'has been carried out to find out the secondary levelEnglish language teachers’ perception on Teacher Support Group (TSG) fortheir professional development. The primary data was collectedinthe fortysecondary level English language teachers from the Kathmanduvalley selectedby using the purposive sampling procedure i.e. non-randomjudgmentalsamplingprocedure. Thedata obtained from the respondents through the close-ended and open-ended questions wereanalyzed and interpreted descriptivelyusing simplestatisticaltools. Thestudyshows thatas with collaborativelearning in teacher development, almost all the teachers hadpositive perceptionon teacher support group for both teachers’ professional development andimproving class room practice. Theyalso expressed that TSG was crucial partofongoing teachers’ professionaldevelopment.Although there is no formalsystem of TSG, majority of teachers (80%) sharedideas, problems, experienceto one another to run their class smoothly through regular meeting. This thesis comprises five chapters. Chapter one is introductory one.It includesgeneral introduction,statement oftheproblem, rationale of the study,objectiveof the study,research questions,significanceof the study,delimitationsof thestudy,and operationaldefinitionsof the key terms. Chapter twodeals with thereview of the related study and conceptual framework with implicationsof thereview of the study.Similarly chapter three deals with the methodologyadopted to carry out theresearch. It contains design of the study, population ofthe study, sampling procedure, data collection tools, data collection procedures,analysis and interpretation procedure.Chapter four consistsof resultsanddiscussion.Chapter fivedeals with summary,conclusions and implications. Italso deals with implications in policy level, practice level and further research.Finally, this chapter is followed by the reference and appendices.