Affecting Factors to Students’participation in Learning English

Lakandri, Tilak
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Faculty of Education
The presentstudyentitledAffecting Factors to Students’ Participation inLearning Englishwas foundout the affecting factors to students’ participationin learning English. To meet the specified objectives of the study,questionnaireand observation checklistwereusedtocollect the data fromthe secondary levelof 40students and4 secondarylevelEnglish teachersof 4 different governmentschoolsof Morang district.They were selected using purposiverandomsampling procedure. The data obtained from the research tools wereanalyzedstatisticallyand descriptivelyusing graphic presentationsuch as tables andgraph.The findings of the study showed thattheinfluential factors such asfamily background, economic status,educational background, cultural factors,teachers’ and students’activities in the classroom directly or indirectlyaffectstudents’ participation in learning English.Among these factors, students’activities werethe most dominant factor (76.33%) in their learning asthesuccessof learning the second language dependedon the learners themselves. The present study consists of five chapters. The first chapter i.e. introduction,deals with the background of the study, statementof the problems, rationale ofthe study, objectives of the study, hypothesis, significance of the study,delimitations and operational definitionsof the key terms. Similarly, chaptertwo isthereview ofrelatedliterature and conceptual frameworkof thestudy.Likewise, chapter three isthemethodologyof the study that deals withtheresearch design, population andsample,sampling procedures, tools for datacollection, process of data collection and data analysis and interpretationprocedures. Similarly, chapter fouris about the result and discussion of thestudy.Finally, chapter five deals withthesummary conclusions andimplications in policy, practice and further research level.
Acculturate, Critical Period Hypothesis, First Language:, Native Speaker