Teaching Strategies Used in The Elt Classroom

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Central Department of English Education
The present studyentitledTeaching Strategies Used inthe ELT Classroomwas attemptedto find out different strategies of teaching and to compare thestrategies used by public and private higher secondary level English teachers.Both primary and secondary sources of data were used in this study. Forprimary data, fourteen higher secondary level English teacherswere selected.Seven privateandsevenpublicschool teacherswere purposively selected fromtheKathmandu valley as the sample andfiveclasses of each teachers wereobserved with the help of observation checklist.The researcherobservedaltogether seventy classes of fourteen teachers.The data collected fromobservation checklist were minutely analyzed. After the analysis, it was foundthatdirect instruction, small group work, discussion, problem solving,cooperative learning, student writing and role play wereused by the teachers.Strategies such as student research and case study were not used by the highersecondary level teachers in both of the private and public schools. It was alsofound that,the teaching strategies were usedmoreeffectivelyinprivate schoolsthan inpublicones. This study consistsof four chapters.The first chapter deals with the study interms of general background, review of related literature, objectives andsignificance of the study. The second chapter contains the methodology whichconsists of sources of data,population of the study, sampling procedures, toolsandprocess of data collection and limitations of the study. Likewise, chapterthree deals with the analysisandinterpretation of collectedraw data obtainedfrom the field which were done by percentageand tables. Finally, chapter fourdeals with the findings and recommendations of this study.