Bakha’s Struggle for Existence in Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable

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Faculty Arts in English
The present dissertation titled " Bakha’s Struggle for Existence in Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable " focuses on the major character of the novel, Bakha, who is suffering amidst the problematic and frustrated conditions of his life. Bakha, the untouchable, who is a representative of the Lower class People too, undergoes harrowing experiences. Humiliation after humiliation shocks him and creates problems of recognition. ‘Untouchable’ refers to a dispossessed man, deprived even of the basic right to live like a human being in freedom, honor and dignity, in utter poverty and isolation. From sunrise on Bakha is forced to deal with discrimination, hatred, and hypocrisy. Wherever Bakha goes, he is rebuked, humiliated, exploited, suppressed, subjugated, and dehumanized. The untouchables are the lowest of the low caste and they are given the job of clearing the latrines and sweeping the streets. In every moment of their lives, they encounter meaninglessness which adds suffering to their existence. The thesis explores Bakha's endurances and problems through existentialist perspectives. Theoretical inputs from critics and writers such as Soren Kierkegaard, Frederich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Jean Paul Sartre and others reinforce my thesis. It concludes that social discrimination of any kinds, including untouchability, hinders free existence of human beings. Therefore, it is a problem of attitude that needs to be reformed or done away with