Techniques of teaching speaking skills used by secondary level English teachers

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Department of English
The research entitled "Techniques of Teaching Speaking Skills Used by Secondary Level English Teachers" is an attempt to find out the different techniques that the Secondary Level teachers use in teaching speaking skill. For this research study the researcher selected 6 government and 6 private schools of Sunsari District. All the teachers were requested to fill up the questionnaire prepared by the researcher. And the researcher observed the classes of twelve teachers while they were teaching speaking skill by applying various techniques and filled up the observation check-lists. The data collected from the teachers of secondary level schools were compared, analyzed and interpreted to find out the differences of techniques. A variety of teaching techniques were used by teachers to teach speaking skill at grade 12, with role play being the most commonly used technique. Other techniques, such as acting, dramatization, mock presentation, personification, simulation, communication, dialogue, and group work, were also used to varying degrees. This indicated that teachers used diverse methods to engage students and improve their speaking skill. Puppets or being a ventriloquist, acting, dramatization, drilling, imitate/caricature, latest drama technique, mime, and simulation were the most rarely used techniques. Drama activities were popular techniques among teachers for teaching speaking skill in grade 12. It indicates that this method was considered effective in enhancing students' speaking abilities. The researcher found that using interactive techniques, such as role play and dramatizing, effectively engaged students in speaking activities and improved their speaking skill. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study and delimitation. The second chapter deals with the review of related theoretical literature, review of related literature and conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with research design, sources of data, population and sample, sampling procedure, data collection tools, data collection procedure and method of analysis of data. The chapter four deals with results and discussions. The chapter five deals with conclusion and recommendations.