Teachers' Perspective on Primary Teachertraining

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Faculty of Education
The present research study entitledTeachers' Perspective on PrimaryTeacher Trainingaimedto find out the teachers perspective on applicabilityand usefulness of English language teaching skills obtained fromtheteachertraining.The researcher used surveyresearchdesign.Forthis purpose, thestudy was carried out using bothprimary and secondary sources of data.A setof questionnaire was used asatool forcollectingthe data.For the primarysource of data, the researcherpurposively selected 35 primary teachers trainedunderNational Centre for Educational Development (NCED)training program.The teachers were selected from different primary schoolsof Solukhumbudistrict. Itwas found thatmajority of the respondents werenot satisfied withthe training system. They argued that 10 months training program wastoo longwhich createdmonotonous feeling on the trainees and ruinedthe relationshipwith the students and theirparents. Though they weresatisfied withtheskillsprovided inteacher training, theyopined thatdurationof the trainingshould bereduced and refresher training should be conducted time to time. This study includesfive chapters. The firstchapter entails general background,statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study,delimitationsof the study and definition of the important terms. The secondchapteris concerned with the review of the related literature whereas chapterthree includes themethodology used in thestudy;design of the study, samplingprocedures,tools, data collection procedure and mode of analysis andinterpretation. Chapter four includestheresultsand discussion. Similarly,chapterfive includes summary, conclusions,and implications. Somepedagogical implications are suggestedto the Curriculum Designers, PolicyMakers and Trainers inthis section.The final chapter is followedby anappendix.