Exploration of an Authentic Self: a Study on Robert Zemeckis's Cast Away

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Department of English
This project is based on the study of Robert Zemeckis’s Cast Away from the perspective of existentialism. It focuses on the protagonist, Chuck’s ceaseless struggle for his identity and freedom amidst the paradoxes and absurdities of life. Chuck as conscious man has different options in his life but he chooses to be a part of FedEx, a multinational company. Chuck’s choice leads him towards the different mode of life where he is destined to face his existential crisis. For the crisis and suffering of Chuck no one is responsible but Chuck himself. After the disaster, Chuck does not simply alienate from his family networks and companions of life but has also to separate from his fiancée, Kelly forever. But even in such numerous tragedies of life with full of anxiety, Chuck does not feel failure with the life rather he is always determined to confront with futile suffering. This is how Chuck understands the essence of life in the meaningless world which makes him an existential hero in real sense.