Change and Continuity of Black Aesthetics in Debbie Tucker Green's Random

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Department of English
This research work aims to trace the change and continuity in Black theatrical aesthetics in deddie tucker green play random. It tries to explore the Black aesthetic or mode of writing as the obvious feature of debbie tucker green's play random due to her feature of writing including her selection of subject matter, writing style as well as her position as the Black British woman playwright. debbie tucker not only presents the thematic issues of black but also chooses the writing style like avoiding capital letters and including the vernacular speech in literature which were features of Black writings throughout the history of Black literature. Similarly, there is the changed setting, expression style as well as modern England's events and incidents which are far different than the past Black writings in America but tucker green even in the changed setting, modified theatrical style like experimentation performance of solo character for various roles does not go beyond her tradition of Black writing in term of the subject of struggle for survive for the Blacks in contemporary British society. Even the innocent Blacks are compelled to live the life of criminal in the eyes of authority due to the prevalence of race which is presented through the murder of a Black youth and the consequences brought by the incident in his family.