Resistance to Orthodox Islamic Patriarchy in Bina Sharif’s My Ancestor’s

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Department of English
This research on Bina sharif’s My Ancestor’s House seeks to represent the miserable conditions of women in contemporary Pakistan’s society and their resistance against repressive patriarchy. The females are extremely repressed by patriarchy with its social institutions. This study aims to show the stereotypical representation of pathetic female characters. Through the depiction of female characters, Bindia, Deedi, Sharif in My Ancestor’s House, tries to portray women’s resistance for their self identity. The female characters in the play are revolutionary to subvert the patriarchal norms and values mechanism of the contemporary society. The rebel of women against the patriarchy in the play becomes influential to subvert such male hegemony. It is the traditional belief and roles of females which restrict them to be confined within their own house. That is why, to be free from such hierarchical domination and exploitation, construction of female bonding and resistance to such oppressive patriarchal mechanism is inevitable.