Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Temporary Family Planning Devices of Rishidev Community at Dewangunj VDC,Sunsari District

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Faculty of Health Education
This is a field based study which is conducted to find out the knowledge attitude and practices of temporary family planning devices at Musahar community in Dewangung VDC, Sunsari District 60 respondents (15-49 years) Married Musahar women were selected to collect data for the study. The main objective of the study is to analyze the level of knowledge attitude and practices of the Musahar women on temporary family planning devices. However, the following are the specific objectives of the study: to identify the knowledge of temporary family planning services available to local level, to find out the culture attitude and practices of Health service, to examine the health beliefs and cultural practices to find out demographic, economic and educational status, and to find out the reasons for the not using the contraceptives in the study area of temporary family planning to Musahar community of Dewangunj VDC. In Dewangunj VDC total population of Musahar is 450 and used simple random method i.e. lottery formulated to collect the information from the respondent. Data were carefully checked and analyzed according to the objectives of the study. Nepal is a kaleidoscope of a number of communities. There are people from different castes, races and ethnic groups. They have special beliefs, identities and behaviours. Therefore, health related practices differ across communities. So far, there is no specific study on Musahar regarding family planning. Likewise GOs and NGOs are working in this field but there is no concrete evidence of effectiveness or achievement in practice of family planning in the context of Musahar women. Therefore, the problem is stated as "A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Temporary Family Planning Devices in Musahar Community in Dewangunj VDC of Sunsari District." Males are more educated in comparison to their female counterparts. While comparing 16.67 percent of male population has received primary, 8.24 percent secondary level of education, only 16.67 percent and 8.24 percent women have received primary and secondary education respectively. Similarly, compared to male illiteracy of 70 percentages, 9.66 percent women have not received any formal education and 1.67 percent of male have received higher level of education but only 1.17 percent of women have received higher level of education. This indicates gender biasness in educational status. More respondents (68.33) percent of total have got married between 13-18 years. Among them 13.33 percent, 11.67 percent and 3.33 percent have got married between the age of 19-21 years, 10-12 years and 22-24 years respectively. 46.67 percent of husbands of the respondents were married between the age of 16-18 years, followed by 19-21 years 21.67 percent, 13-15 years 16.67 percent and 10-12 years and 22.24 years 8.33 percent and 6.67 percent respectively which is low from the average age at marriage 23.6 years and 20.3 years for female. In this study, most of the respondents were informed about the devices through health workers because reaching health facility in the Terai is easy due to favorable geographic condition. It may be attributed to the low literacy rate; very few percent of the respondents were well- versed through their spouses. Among the respondents 66.67 percent are found practicing injection Depo-Provera to delay pregnancy and 33.33 percent never practiced this contraceptives of all the respondents who were using injection Depo-Provera have the willingness to continue it, and 20 percent of respondents who were not using, reported that they intend to use this device in upcoming days on the other hand, 80 percent of the non-user respondents said that they would not use any of the contraceptive methods in future. The public sector is the predominant source of the Depo-Provera. Majority of the respondents (75) named health post as the main source of Depo-Provera supply where as 25 percent named private clinic as the source. It also indicates that nobody named NGOs/INGOs as their source of the devices. Among users nobody had the side effect of Depo-Provera, they said. Respondents don't know how the injection works to delay pregnancy. Respondents don't know about the hormone name that is in the Depo-Provera. All 66.67 percent respondents, who were used to Depo-Provera knew if they used Depo-Provera, they would be free from the unwanted pregnancy.