The Marriage between Equals: Gender Relations in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre
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Faculty of English
Charlotte Brontë's novel Jane Eyre has been approached from different
perspectives.This thesis"The Marriage between Equals: Gender Relations in
Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre" attempts to examine the mutual relationship and
interdependence in companionate marriage.The novel’s three characters–Jane,
Rochester and St.John Rivers–have different views and ideals regarding marriage
and family relationship.Mr.Rochesterat firstand St. John Rivers attemptto have
traditional dynastic type of marriage with Jane. The power of masculinity and
conventionality is ultimately defeated by Jane as she gets married with Rochester on
the basis of mutual relationship.
This research explains the companionate marriage between Jane and Mr.
Rochester by tracing the historical,social and cultural background of Victoriantimes.
The male domineering power of the 19
century is evident in Mr. Rochester and St.
John. The social and historical framework of marriage allows me to examine the
characters of this novel from the perspective of woman’s consciousness.Marriage
with love and mutual bond are elements of companionate marriage, which this
research attempts to highlight.
This novel has the pattern of women's consciousness which rejects Victorian
conventionalities concerning marriage and domestic life. Charlotte Brontë creates a
radical form of marriage between equal partners only when Mr.Rochester realizes his
mistakes and accepts marriage as based in mutual relationship.
Gender relations, Victorian society, Women’s status