A Study on Pragmatic Meaning Andequivalence: A Case of Jeevan Kaanda Ki Phool

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Central Departmentof English
The present study entitled A Study on Pragmatic Meaning andEquivalence:A Case ofJeevan Kaanda KiPhoolisan attempt to analyze pragmatic meaningand equivalence between the source text (henceforth: ST) and translated text(henceforth: TT).Thesources ofdata for this study were the Nepali version ofJeevan Kaanda Ki Phooland its English versionA Flower inthe Midst of ThornsbyNagendraSharma and Safal Sharma.I collected all the sentences of the originalversion communicatingpragmatic meaning and their equivalent sentences in thetranslated version. Thedegreeof equivalence of translated sentences wereanalyzedon the basis of Bayar’s (2007) degree of equivalence i.e. optimumtranslation, near-optimum translation, partialtranslation, weakerand strongerversion , poor translation, mistranslation and zerotranslation. The finding of mystudy is that the translation of Jeevan Kaanda Ki PhoolintoA Flower inthe Midstof Thornsby Nagendra Sharma and SafalSharma is a flawless interms oftheirpragmatic meaning and equivalence as most of the sentences are optimallytranslated. The other sentences are near-optimally and partly translated. Theyconvey the intended meaning of the ST. I found only one sentence wasmistranslatedwhereas no poor and zero translation was found. This study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one introduces the study intermsof background/context of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of thestudy, rationale of the study, significanceof the study, delimitations of the studyand operational definition of key terms. Chapter two deals with the methodologyunder which research design, sources of data, process of data collection anddelimitation of the study are presented. Chapter three depicts the methods andprocedures of thestudy. Itcontains the researchdesign, populationand sample,samplingprocedures, toolsof data collection, process of datacollection, anddataanalysis and interpretation procedures. Chapter four discusses the findings of thestudy. On the basis of the findings, some recommendations and pedagogical ix implications aresuggested. Chapterfive presents the summary, conclusion andimplication from the whole study. The references and appendices are theconcluding partsof the study.