Open Defecation Free Declaration Campaign in Nepal A Case Study of Dhamauli VDC In Rupandehi

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Faculty of Rural Development
This research entitled "Open Defecation Free Declaration Campaign in Nepal; A Case Study of Dhamauli VDC" was conducted in Dhamauli VDC of Rupandehi district. The sanitation improvement issue is very emerging in Nepal to achieve the millennium development goal. Though, the government agencies like VDC, V-WASH-CC, NGO are working but sanitation status is very poor in the Dhamauli VDC so the area was selected for research. The main objective of this research was to analyze on an Open Defecation Free Declaration Campaign in Nepal with specific objectives; to find out the status of toilet construction; to find out the status of toilet utilization and to find out the level of people awareness in Dhamauli VDC. There are 3010 households in Dhamauli VDC. Out of the total 54 household from 4 wards were selected randomly. Primary information was collected through structured questionnaire, direct interview and field observation and secondary sources were also used. Collected information was tabulated and analyzed using simple statistical tools like ratio, percentage, bar chart etc. The main finding of this research indicates that, Dhamauli VDC is still back in sanitation campaign. All household have not been constructed toilet even they are supporting by different agencies. The people who have already constructed toilet are also not using it properly. They are not well aware on sanitation issues. Maximum people are using soil for hand wash after the toilet use. They are not ready to adopt a national slogan "One house, One Toilet" by heart. However more than 60% household have been constructed toilet but they think it was due to social pressure or obligation by government. The sanitation campaign can't be successful in practice until the people realize its importance for their health and happiness. So, the research highly recommends for more intervention to improve people's awareness level rather than pressure or obligation for sanitation improvement program in Nepal. There are some issues which need additional researches like, cause of people's negligence in sanitation issues, effects after sanitation improvement and implementation status of national policies on sanitation.
Open defecation, Toilet construction