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Item A comparative study of Blended learning vs Traditional Classroom Instruction in secondary level ICT education(2023) Prasad, Dharmendra; Romakant PandeyAvailable in fulltextItem Status of Social Media in School Education of Kathmandu District(Department of Information Communication Technology, 2022) Bhusal, BikashAvailable with full textItem Preparation and Readiness of Community Schools for Using ICT in Teaching and Learning(Department of Information and Communication Technology, 2018) Ojha, NabrajICT is a recent concept in pedagogical practice. ICT in education is the most crucial aspect of research, where ICT education is a continuous assimilation of knowledge, skill, simulated by synchronous and asynchronous learning. Schools are the building blocks for implementing the policy. To launch a new program in any school, schools should be ready and well prepared. Here my research “Preparation and Readiness of Community Schools for Using ICT in Teaching and learning” will helps to investigate whether our community schools are well prepared or not to lunch ICT program for teaching and learning purpose.. This study is carried out for the analysis of community schools for integrating ICT in teaching and learning at Dadeldhura district. This study was limited to 70 teachers from 14 schools two from each rural municipality and municipality of Dadeldhura district. The research design of this study was Qualitative and Quantitative in nature. The primary source of data was used in this study. Primary sources of data were collected from the school observation and questionnaire collected from different teachers of Dadeldhura district. The collected data were analyzed using percentile method and qualitative data were described in narrative way. The study identify that the schools of Dadeldhura were strongly positive towards the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. Most of the teacher have good knowledge towards the use of ICT tolls and schools have good financial condition for integration of ICT so it can be identify that community school of Dadeldhura were ready and well prepared to integrate ICT in teaching and learning.Item Using ICT Tools in Teaching: Perception and Practices at Secondary Teachers(Department Information and Communication Technology, 2018) Mahata, Mahesh SinghPowerPoint presentation is one of the ICT tool used in teaching and learning in the classroom. The main objective of this study to explore the practice and perception of using PowerPoint presentation in teaching learning at secondary school in the classroom and the area of the study would be community school. 80 numbers of teachers from Baitadi district selected as a sample by using purposive non-random sampling procedures. It is a survey study. The study would follow quantitative approach in data analysis. The study was both primary and secondary source of data. This study concludes the Using ICT tools in teaching: perception and practices of secondary teachers at Baitadi District. The result of the study showed that the most of the teachers and school were positive in power point presentation at schools. The teachers have positive opinion towards the perception and practice of using ICT in teaching/learning. Most of the teachers agreed that the power point tools were very useful for higher achievement as well as higher by providing basic concept with motivation.Most of the teachers and school were positive in power point presentation at schools. 74.5% teachers of Baitadi district were positive response in power point presentation. On overall we can say that 55.20% teachers explore the positive perception towards effectiveness of using power point presentation in the classroom. On the overall we can say that teachers of Baitadi district were positive in power point presentation in teaching and learning activities.Item Use of ICT Software for Visually Impairment Learners(Department of ICT Education, 2021) Subedi, SumanThe research entitled "Use of ICT for Visually Impairment Learners." The research focused on examining ICT use, analyzing the effectiveness, and finding out accessibility conditions and difficulties of ICT software for vision impairment learners. The study had used survey method research design, and the total sample population of primary data were fifty five visually impaired learners and eight teachers who teach impairment students of four schools of Kathmandu and Lalitpur district visually; names of the school are laboratory H. S. school, Adarsha Saula Yubak secondary school, Namuna Machhindra school, and Shree Prithvi Narayan secondary school. The researcher had used both primary and secondary sources of data for the analysis. The purposive homogeneous sampling procedure was followed for the selection of the sample population. Questionnaire and interview guidelines were taken as the main primary source of data where close-ended for questionnaire and open-ended for interviews were adopted. The obtained data were tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted descriptively by using statistical tools such as mean, percentage, and X2 test at 0.05 level of significance. The finding of the study showed that the teacher and VI students have a positive opinion in the use of ICT for teaching and learning. Students have believed that ICT software makes learning easy and accessible than before. ICT software encourages students towards learning, and it boosts the learning performance of the student; they can gain information from the internet like sight students with the help of ICT software. While Software and website development must need to follow web content accessibility guidelines provided by W3C, it has considerable influence in enhancing the accessibility of VI users in modern technology.Item Status Of Use Of Computer in Classroom Learning Among Secondary School of Dang District(Department of Information Communication Technology, 2021) Bhusal, BhishmaThe research entitled "Status of Use of Computer in Classroom Learning among Secondary School of Dang District" was done in Dang district Nepal among secondary school students. The aim of this research was to find out the status of use of computer in classroom learning among secondary school of Dang district Nepal. Cross-sectional survey research design was employed in this research. Three hundred and ninety four (394) students from class 9 and 10 were participated in the research where multi-stage cluster sampling techniques was used in the research. Data were collected by using self-administered questionnaire. Collected data was entered using Microsoft Excel and analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science (IBM SPSS) version 17. Frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation and level were major statistical techniques used in the research. Finding of the research indicates that about half of schools have practice of teaching and learning through computer. Most of the teachers did not used computers in classroom teaching. Most of the schools (81.7%) in Dang district do not have projector facility for classroom teaching in secondary level schools. Only about half of the schools have availability of Internet facility. Barriers of using computer was high ;majority of the schools have insufficient computers based on number of students, majority of the schools lack good feature of computers in their laboratory, majority of the schools did not have computer software for the students. One-fourth of the students did not have sufficient budget for digital resources at home. More than half of the students were not using computer for educational software such as database, spreadsheets and charting/graphing however they used it for normal purpose. In overall percentage of strongly agree and agree are very high in student motivation and teaching and learning related items and reverse in challenges related items which indicate that use of computer is very beneficial for several aspect of teaching and learning process at secondary level school. Hence researcher recommended that Ministry of Education and NCED should provide on-site training and coaching, workshop and conference to secondary level school teachers. Similarly education board of government of Nepal should apply e-learning training program and teaching learning activities for the application of computers in secondary schools. As this study was conducted among only secondary level schools, this might not represent the status of overall computer use in classroom learning. Therefore, further studies are recommended without excluding those lower and higher level schools and colleges. Furthermore, the study suggests the need of further research in a large scale using both quantitative and qualitative methods.Item Undergraduate Student’s Attitude Towards E-learning(Faculty of Education, 2021) Bashyal, BinodThis study aimed at examining the attitudes of undergraduate students towards e-learning in Kathmandu Valley. The study mainly focused on exploring undergraduate student’s attitude towards e- learning and to analyze the opportunities and challenges of e-learning. A self– structured opinionnaire with 5-point Likert scale and two open ended question ware designed for data collection from a sample of 400 undergraduate level students. The researcher collected 250 students out of 400 students from Kathmandu Colleges and 150 students from online google form. A set of 20 (positive and negative) opinionnaire were developed as the tool for collection data. The opinionnaire had five level of statements strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree of Likert scale. The 𝑥 2 -test, mean, t-test, standard deviation, attitude score and percentage were used to determine the attitude of students towards e-learning. Findings of the study shows undergraduate students had a positive attitudes towards e-learning. Slow and unstable internet facilities, with the least understanding of students about e-learning, often develop a negative approach among students regarding e-learning. Policy makers should include e-learning topics in the curriculum and the government needs to organize workshops and seminars for teachers to equip them with knowledge and application of e-learning in academic process.